Essentials of Texas Water Resources
New 7th Edition of the must-have resource on Texas water resources law, policy, and history. A project of the Environmental & Natural Resources Law Section of the State Bar of Texas, this book covers multiple topics, including economic value of water, surface water and groundwater...
Buy Now(opens in a new window)Texas Environmental Law Practice Series Vols. 45-46
New 2021-2022 ed. of Texas Environmental Law fully replaces the 2019-20 ed. Includes new/updated material on: contested case attorneys fees, jurisdiction and judicial review; limitations on state rulemaking, water pollution from oil and gas operations and much more.
Buy Ebook or Softcover Now(opens in a new window)Texas Environmental Law Journal
The State Bar of Texas Environmental Law Journal is the leading source for articles on Texas environmental and natural resources law. The Journal provides Section members with legal articles written by leading practitioners, recent developments on environmental and natural resources law and policy, and news…